Tuesday, May 29, 2012

I will add pictures from our Museum soon. Please remember there is no Lunch A Month or Pizza Day tomorrow. Please remind students to pack a lunch. Also, on Friday we will be tie-dyeing with our little buddies. Students can bring in a white T-shirt if they would like to dye something.

Monday, May 14, 2012

by Daisy

Today we showed Katlyn's class our magic tricks. We worked on our reports. In Betsy's math class, we worked on fractions. In Kim's math class, we worked on challenging subtraction.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Frontier Culture Museum by Sarah and Daisy

A few days ago we went to the Frontier Culture Museum. We got to go back in time to Africa in the 1600s. In Africa we got to see the huts in which one African family lived. We also got to do "women's and men's" work. On the American side in 1850 we got to help farm and got to see a meat house. Two kids went to the spring to take water pails to the house. We all had a wonderful time!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Kim's Math by the Molly Pitchers

We have been working on codes about the American Revolution. We have also been looking at angles and turns.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Strawberry Festival Volunteer Hours

Just over two weeks left until festival...sign up for your top choice of shifts before they all fill up! To sign up, go to www.communityschool.net, click on the strawberry at the top, and scroll down to "Sign up for Berry Cleaning and Festival Days here!" Click the link to go to the form. More detailed information about festival jobs can be found under the "Committee Description" tab on the Blog. If you have any questions about volunteering, please contact Katlyn (katlync@communityschool.net). Each parent is expected to volunteer 12 hours each towards the festival. Shifts are already filling up, so get your requests in today to get your top pick. Thanks Berry Much!

Berry Cleaning - Thursday, May 3 @ Murray's Cider (103 Murray's Farm Road, Roanoke)
Festival Days - Friday, May 4, and Saturday, May 5 @ Elmwood Park

Thursday, April 5, 2012

April Dates to Remember

Please remember Spring Break starts tomorrow (April 6). School will reopen on April 16th.

Students received information to help them start their museum project. Please go over it with them during Spring Break. The "My Topic" information sheet needs to be completed and returned by April 17th.

We will go to Camp Bethel on April 20th for The Sounds of the Blue Ridge. We cannot take any additional adults.

On April 27th, we are going to The Frontier Museum in Staunton, VA. We will need parent help.

Please remember the date for Arts Festival is May 18th.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

by Daisy

Today in Drama we practiced the “Wacky Boogie!” And we learned dthe moves that go with it. The “Wacky Boogie” is in the “Wonderland” play I told you aboutyesterday. Also in class we got to choose what we wanted to write about. I chose “Free Choice” and I'm writing about a girl named Ko and she is from Japan and her family was forced to live on the streets. Now we are going to Art.