Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Summer Letter

I hope you had a wonderful summer and are ready to come back to school.  When the bell rings the first day of school we will meet in our classroom and begin getting to know one another. 
Betsy and I have had a lot of fun talking about the school year and the activities we want to do. 
Our schoolwide theme is Through the Looking Glass. 
We have many ideas for this year, but please remember to bring in your own ideas of what the theme means. 
You will need to bring in your own three-ring binder (at least 1 ½ inches).  Please feel free to decorate it.  This will be your homework notebook for the year.  You do not need to add anything to the inside.  Please remember your notebook and homework for the first day of school.  Your first homework assignment is to describe a favorite.  It could be a favorite first day, a favorite meal, a favorite vacation, or another favorite.  Please make sure to write about how you felt and use details to describe this favorite.
I am very excited about the new school year and am looking forward to seeing you Thursday, September 1st from 6-7pm for our Open House and Family Picnic.  Remember our classroom is now on the second floor of the big house across from the Drama room.

Homework Supply List
(all these supplies are for your house)
§  Loose leaf paper
§  Pencils
§  Pencil sharpener
§  Ruler
§  Gluestick
§  White glue
§  Clear tape
§  Markers
§  Colored pencils
§  Scissors
§  Stapler
§  Construction paper
Betsy’s Class  
§  Connor Austin
§  Henry Baldwin
§  Ari Cogen
§  Sierra Colbert
§  Tallulah Costa
§  Noah Gettings
§  Deven Holt
§  Ny’chelle Lawrence
§  Nathan Long
§  Grace Montgomery
§  Josiah Nucamendi
§  Braden Prokopchak
§  Collin Rice
Kim’s Class
§  Lucas Benton
§  Cassie Brogan
§  Sarah Epstein
§  Connor Fuhrman
§  Scott Honeycutt
§  Daisy Montgomery
§  Lorraine Nida
§  Sarah Pressley
§  Nicholas Sebolt
§  Benjamin Skelton
§  Ethan Warner
§  Misha Wiley