Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Today we had visits from two Edgar Allan Poes, George Washington, Annie Sullivan, John Glenn, Harry Houdini, Donn Fendler, Charles Darwin, Squirrel, Amelia Earhart, and King Tutankhamen.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

by Tallulah and Noah

Today in Kim's math, we made little people that live in Babalobbyland.  We need to make their houses.  The people must be between 5 and 8 cm.  In Betsy's math, we worked on sheets about mammals vs. humans.  Some people worked on DynaMath.  We had fruit break.   We had class.  In class, we worked on our limericks.  We also worked on memorizing poems for Poetry Day.  We had recess.  We had Art.  In Art, we worked on bracelets.  I am finishing a picture I wanted to make.  Now, we are in class.  Next, we have Spanish and then go home.  Our Spanish homework is due Thursday, March 22.

Monday, March 19, 2012

by Tallulah

This morning we had math. In Kim's math class we worked on things we did not finish. We did not have outside fruit break because it was raining. So we played inside. After fruit break we went down to Beth's class to get our sunglasses to wear. We had class after that. In class we worked either on writing a limerick or a Dr. Seuss poem. We also worked on our rough draft for colonial times. We met with Kim to start our better drafts.  We had recess. We had lunch. We had class. We did the same thing in class. Now, we are doing our jobs and getting ready to go to music.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Monday by Sierra

Please bring in materials to make your egg drop containers.  Containers will be built on Wednesday and Thursday.

Today in Kim's math, we worked on Math Blaster and then finished our inch stories or played a math game.  We had fruit break and came back in.   We ate and listened to Raiders' Ransom.  After that we flew our kites for Kite Day.  On Friday, we made kites with our buddies.  We drew pictures on a kite.   We had recess and ate lunch with Katlyn.  We worked on our Jamestown study by looking at a comic book about Jamestown and answered questions and pulled out facts.  If you finished, you either read or wrote a letter to Byron.  Now, we are going to music and we will work on our scripts.

Kite Day

Game Book Project

Literacy Activities

Monday, March 5, 2012

Monday by Connor

We went to the Roanoke Orchestra and listened to Civil War songs and we got to see Civil War clothes.  Then, we went back to school, had fruit break, and went outside for recess.  We had lunch with Katlyn's class.  We read.  Now, we are going to music.