Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Today by Misha and others

Today we did recorders. I had fun. We also looked at what was the same and different with Werowocomoco and Jamestown. In Werowocomoco, they had a chief named Powhatan.  Werowocomoco was the main home of Powhatan in 1607. Powhatan's land surrounded Jamestown.  In Werowocomoco, they ate squash, corn, beans, and meat.  In Werowocomoco, under the age of twelve, in the summer, people wore nothing.  In Werowocomoco, some dancers had rattles filled with seeds.   Werowocomoco and Jamestown both made their houses out of straw, mud, and wood.  In Werowocomoco they would use animal skins in the winter.  In Werowocomoco the Indians used bow and arrows, which were amazingly accurate.  Jamestown was a colony started in 1607 by English.  It was named after King James I.   In Jamestown, they used guns and swords.  In Jamestown, men wore puffy pants and their shirts had high collars and puffy sleeves.  They also wore hats sort of like the guy from Pirates of the Caribbean.  In Jamestown, they ate mostly meat and food that the Indians gave them.  In Jamestown, they were looking for gold, but could not find any.  In Jamestown, they had a governor appointed by the King or the London Company.
Upcoming Events for December:

Poetry Day - Friday, December 2
Book Fair - Monday through Friday, December 5-9
Musical Performance at the Book Fair - Monday, December 5 at 2:30
Field Trip to "Nutcracker" - Friday, December 9
Hollins Carnival - Monday, December 12
Book Project Due - Tuesday, December 13
Field Trip to "Christmas Cookie"  Roanoke Children's Theater - Thursday, December 15

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

My Day by Lucas

In math, we made a cube and a pyramid and solved addition problems.  We had fruit break.  We listened to people talk about their book projects.  In art, we covered our art journal.  We looked for poems for Poetry Day on Friday.  Now, we are going to Spanish.

Remember next week we have our book fair.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tomorrow, we have Thanksgiving Luncheon at Hollins University. Please come join us and bring an entree for 10-12 hungry people. The Art Show starts at 11:00. Students are dismissed from Hollins at 12:00.

There is no school on Thursday, November 24th and Friday, November 25th.

Sharp Top by Misha

We went to Sharp Top summit. I was fifth to reach the summit. While we were at the top, we played a lot of fun games and ate our lunch. My favorite thing to do at the summit is to climb on rocks.

Dixie Caverns by Cassie

Dixie Caverns had a few bats (dwarf brown bats) and beautiful rock formations. There was even a wishing stone. We saw the Salem fault line along the ceiling. There were some rocks that looked like Indians or a wedding party. My favorite part was to see the fairy kingdom and the wedding party. In the fairy kingdom you could still see the witch's hand and you could see the reflection of the fairy kingdom in the water upside down.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

On Friday, November 18th, the Telescopic Detectives are going to Peaks of Otter for a day-long hike. Please make sure your child has comfortable shoes, water, and a disposable lunch. It looks like it will be a chilly, but sunny day. Please encourage your child to wear layers. Both of our classes filled their jellybead jars and we are very excited that we get to go on this trip. Emilie, one of the middle school teachers, will be joining us.

On Monday, November 21st, we are going to Dixie Caverns in the morning. It is important that your child arrive on time on both Friday and Monday.

On Wednesday, November 23rd, we have Thanksgiving Luncheon at Hollins University. Please come join us and bring an entree for 10-12 hungry people. The Art Show starts at 11:00. Students are dismissed from Hollins at 12:00.

There is no school on Thursday, November 24th and Friday, November 25th.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Today by Ben

Today we had math, fruit break, and recess. In math we started working on migration of whales. We made origami whales and read about them. I wrote about what Werowocomoco and Jamestown were like in 1611. In Art we are working on our Thanksgiving Luncheon projects. We are going to Spanish now.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

This week Asia the dog visited us. Scott, Nick, Ben, and I got to walk her. We were trying to run with her, but Scott and Nick let go and went rolling down the hill. Twice. We got back inside. We went to specials. It was a lot of fun. I sure hope she can come back soon.