Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Today by Misha and others

Today we did recorders. I had fun. We also looked at what was the same and different with Werowocomoco and Jamestown. In Werowocomoco, they had a chief named Powhatan.  Werowocomoco was the main home of Powhatan in 1607. Powhatan's land surrounded Jamestown.  In Werowocomoco, they ate squash, corn, beans, and meat.  In Werowocomoco, under the age of twelve, in the summer, people wore nothing.  In Werowocomoco, some dancers had rattles filled with seeds.   Werowocomoco and Jamestown both made their houses out of straw, mud, and wood.  In Werowocomoco they would use animal skins in the winter.  In Werowocomoco the Indians used bow and arrows, which were amazingly accurate.  Jamestown was a colony started in 1607 by English.  It was named after King James I.   In Jamestown, they used guns and swords.  In Jamestown, men wore puffy pants and their shirts had high collars and puffy sleeves.  They also wore hats sort of like the guy from Pirates of the Caribbean.  In Jamestown, they ate mostly meat and food that the Indians gave them.  In Jamestown, they were looking for gold, but could not find any.  In Jamestown, they had a governor appointed by the King or the London Company.

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