Monday, September 19, 2011

Math Games

During math, we play games to help build our skills.  Below is a list of games and a description from the students in my math class.

  • Plus-Minus-Stay - This is fun.  It will be a homework game to play with our family.  You add and subtract.  You also can use strategy to help you win.
  • Zigity - It is a Cranium card game.  This game has adding to a given sum.  Other skills include problem solving and strategy.
  • Logic Links - You solve patterns using clues.  You use dots to help create the described pattern.
  • Noodlers - You put sticks on a card to divide the designs.  It is great for spatial relations.  (See if your kids remember what the term, spatial relations, means.)
  • Addition War - It is a card game.  It is an adding game where the higher sum lets you take someone else's cards.  It builds addition speed.  It can also be done as Multiplication War.
  • Number Ninja - It is a game where you solve word problems.  It is really fun. There is a golden dragon and a lot of traps.  Another player gives you questions and you move when you get them right.  Some of the questions were telling time, addition, and subtraction.  They are all word problems.
  • Q-bitz - You try to match the pattern on a card with special cubes.  It is like trying to make a puzzle with dice.  It is really hard.  It works on spatial relations.

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