Monday, September 12, 2011

September 9, 2011

Dear Parents,

It has been a great first week. Upper Elementary is full of wonderful students and I am excited about the year ahead. My blog address has changed and it is not correct on the website. My blog is Please look at my blog and Betsy's ( ) regularly.

During the summer my family and I started volunteering with St. Francis Service Dogs. This organization raises and trains service dogs for children and adults with disabilities. My family has housed and cared for two different puppies. We will have Asia, a 3 month old puppy, staying with us the week of September 19th. I would like to bring the puppy to school. All dogs with St. Francis are crate-trained. Asia would spend time in her crate during class, but students could help with walking her. I will not bring the puppy if there are any students in Upper Elementary with allergies or fears. Please email me by September 18th, if you have concerns about Asia's visit.

On a different note, my classroom has window air conditioning units, which makes it difficult to make the whole room a comfortable temperature. Please encourage your child to wear layers and bring an old sweatshirt that they could leave outside my room. It is a wonderful room and your children are making it their own. Please come up and look at the room and the “Great Mathematicians” bulletin board that my math class made, whenever you are on campus.

Thank you all very much,


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