Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Today we worked on crocheting coral reefs. According to the Roanoke College website, "The Roanoke Valley Reef is a satellite reef of the Hyperbolic Crochet Coral Reef, a project of the Institute For Figuring in Los Angeles. The Hyperbolic Crochet Coral Reef has been exhibited in museums and art galleries around the world, including the Natural History Museum of the Smithsonian. The project combines mathematics, the arts, environmental science and other disciplines in an exciting way."

Picture from the Recorder Party on Monday

Monday, January 30, 2012

by Grace and Ari

In Kim's math class, we worked on fractions. We did some model math with fractions. We finished our fraction flags. In Betsy's math class, we worked on multiplying and dividing fractions. In class, we read. (Grace: I read The Sea of Monsters. It is a really good book.) After we read, we made four symbols of our books and then wrote a two word plot. We had lunch with Katlyn. We made cards for Sarah and Audrey. We made a Triangle-ope as a listening activity. The first years have a recorder party. The second years are going to drama.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

by Ari and Noah

In Kim's math we worked more on fractions. We made fraction flags. In Betsy's math class, we added and subtracted fractions. Kim read to us. We had music and worked on our belts. We had lunch in Beth's class. We had class. We did a cryptogram about what a primary source and secondary source are. Now, we are going to art.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

by Ari, Deven, and Noah

Today in Betsy's math class, we worked on factors and multiples, like what was the least common multiple (LCM) and the greatest factor (GFC). We played HOG. In Kim's math class, we talked about equivalent fractions. We did a fraction sheet where we had cards and you had to show the fraction, write the fraction, and write the decimal. We played fraction dominoes. We played a game matching equivalent fractions. In class, some people finished our poems, we looked up vocabulary words, and we wrote in our journals. In art, we worked on our special projects. We also read. Now, we have Spanish.

Monday, January 23, 2012

by Deven and Noah

Today in Betsy's math class we worked on some of our stuff and got our math folders organized and worked on the things that needed to be corrected. In Kim's math we worked on fractions. We talked about equivalent fractions and reviewed fractions. During class we read, wrote a final draft of our poems, worked on a synonyms packet and spelling vocabulary. We played a game like Around the World but with our books with the genre, main characters, setting, and favorite parts. In music, we read the book, "Following the Drinking Gourd."

Drama Performances

On Thursday, February 16, the students below will perform from 11:15-11:45. (The snow date is February 23 at the same time.)
Connor A.

On Wednesday, February 15, the students below will perform from 11:15-11:45. (The snow date is February 22 at the same time.)
Connor F.
Sarah E.
Sarah P.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

by Connor and Noah (Collin)

In Betsy's math class we worked on Dynamath and we worked on long multiplication (and some worked on really long division). In Kim's math we worked on coordinates and finding our place on a graph. We also worked on our individual packets. Mine was a paper with Roman numbers and facts about ocean animals. In Music, we worked on ukuleles and recorders. We had class. In class, we worked on spelling and looked up words we didn't know. We worked on our Social Studies Log. We wrote our final draft of our "Through the Looking Glass" poems. Now we are going to Art.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

First Day of the Switch by Noah and Connor

Today in Betsy's math class we did Dynamath and we played Hog where you roll a die with a die inside and then you multiply the two numbers. At the end you add them altogether. In Kim's math we added the money from School Stuff Store, we made $13.67. We worked on directions (north, south, east, and west) and tried to find a treasure. We also did our brown packets. In class we worked on some stories and we colored in the places our ancestors were from on a map. We also looked at some rules George Washington wrote. He copied them, but he was a horrible speller. We corrected the mistakes when we could find them. We went to Art and worked on collages with only cold colors. In class we worked on a listening project where we had to draw different stuff. Kim read the directions and we did it. Next we have Spanish.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Today we played the Revolutionary Name Game.  We had Poetry Day and we did a good job reciting "Paul Revere's Ride".  We went to Hollins for the Local Hero Award.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Today we had math.  Kim's class organized the School Stuff Store.  It will open tomorrow!  We also worked on the Revolutionary War.  We are each researching one important person from the Revolution and on Friday we are going to play a game with those people.  We looked at different paintings about the Revolution.  We worked on our class poem for Poetry Day this Friday.  We put together all of our Looking Glass poems.  We have Me in 2011 in the Looking Glass, Me in Jamestown in 1611, Me in Werowocomoco, and Me in the Colonies in 1711.  We did a Scavenger Hunt with different colonial jobs.

We have Art and Spanish.

[Please help us practice our stanza from Longfellow's "Paul Revere's Ride" for Poetry Day on Friday, January 13.]

Monday, January 9, 2012

Today by Daisy

Today we were practicing Longfellow's poem about Paul Revere's ride.  We also fit in some reading we read our books that are in our packets.  It's very fun.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Today by Daisy and Connor

Today in class we were finishing King George III vs. the Firebrands.  The Firebrands were Thomas Paine, Samuel Adams, and Patrick Henry. After that we had music and I got a yellow belt and Cassie got her white belt. Right now we are going to art.   In Kim's math we worked on model math and discussed the School Stuff Store.  Kim's math class will be organizing the store and we will only sell school supplies.  

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year! (Our Day as told by several students)

When we walked in Kim decided to show us what the Declaratory Act was and she removed fruit break and recess from our schedule. The Declaratory Act said that the colonies had no right to make their own laws and the British Parliament and the king needed to do it for them.  Kim decided it was in the best interest of the "empire" to eliminate fruit break and recess, but gave it back when we planned to rebel and overthrow the despot (two of our vocabulary words).

In Kim's math we finished our whale migration.  We had to see how many times our whale breached in the 31 or 32 days it took them to get to the Dominican Republic from Virginia Beach.  Mirage and Erosion took only 31 days and Quasar and Waterspout took 32 days.  We did a model math problem.  We started by doing music and addition fast facts.  We worked on our individual packets.  (I did addition bowling practice.)

In Betsy's math we worked on Dynamath.

We worked on social studies vocabulary, including tyrant, Stamp Act, boycott, and liberty.  We read our book and worked on questions about the reading.  We wrote 3 silly and 3 serious resolutions.  We played a game based on the show "Liberty Kids" about the American Revolution.  We also worked on cleaning up our supply closet.  We had a lot of markers that had stopped working.

After this, we have music.