Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year! (Our Day as told by several students)

When we walked in Kim decided to show us what the Declaratory Act was and she removed fruit break and recess from our schedule. The Declaratory Act said that the colonies had no right to make their own laws and the British Parliament and the king needed to do it for them.  Kim decided it was in the best interest of the "empire" to eliminate fruit break and recess, but gave it back when we planned to rebel and overthrow the despot (two of our vocabulary words).

In Kim's math we finished our whale migration.  We had to see how many times our whale breached in the 31 or 32 days it took them to get to the Dominican Republic from Virginia Beach.  Mirage and Erosion took only 31 days and Quasar and Waterspout took 32 days.  We did a model math problem.  We started by doing music and addition fast facts.  We worked on our individual packets.  (I did addition bowling practice.)

In Betsy's math we worked on Dynamath.

We worked on social studies vocabulary, including tyrant, Stamp Act, boycott, and liberty.  We read our book and worked on questions about the reading.  We wrote 3 silly and 3 serious resolutions.  We played a game based on the show "Liberty Kids" about the American Revolution.  We also worked on cleaning up our supply closet.  We had a lot of markers that had stopped working.

After this, we have music.

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