Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Today we had math.  Kim's class organized the School Stuff Store.  It will open tomorrow!  We also worked on the Revolutionary War.  We are each researching one important person from the Revolution and on Friday we are going to play a game with those people.  We looked at different paintings about the Revolution.  We worked on our class poem for Poetry Day this Friday.  We put together all of our Looking Glass poems.  We have Me in 2011 in the Looking Glass, Me in Jamestown in 1611, Me in Werowocomoco, and Me in the Colonies in 1711.  We did a Scavenger Hunt with different colonial jobs.

We have Art and Spanish.

[Please help us practice our stanza from Longfellow's "Paul Revere's Ride" for Poetry Day on Friday, January 13.]

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